Thursday, October 25, 2012

The election's almost here ... are you tired yet?

I haven't posted a blog in this account for a whopping eleven months.  But since I just recently started blogging for my other passion, all things entertainment industry (, I figured it was probably about time to update this blog as well!

For some strange and unbelievable reason, Iowa actually matters in the impending presidential election this year.  With our whopping six electoral votes, the general election is not something that normally garners national attention.  So this year, not only were we unfairly the central focal point for all things primary election because of our First in the Nation Caucuses, NOW we are unfairly the object of attention as one of the nine states which could make or break who becomes the next POTUS.

Yes, so surely, a tiny farming state with barely 3 million people should most definitely not have such a strong say in what happens in this election - BUT I FOR ONE AM FREAKING GLAD THAT WE DO!  The thought of that gigantic ball of human feces, Mitt Rmoney, obtaining office, merely to sell the souls and lifeblood of the poor sods who thought he would be a better alternative to that fellow who wants to sell us HOPE, scares the living shit out of me!

This particular blog post won't be long, as I simply do not have time to elaborate on all things Election in a Swing State.  However, I will make much more an effort to blog over the next two weeks until we are faced with the inevitable - the 2012 Elections!

Till we meet again,

Heather Ryan