Saturday, October 15, 2011

24 Hours of Mayhem!

Holy Iowa Cow Patties, it is hard to keep up with these new fangled things they call, "Blogs".  It's not that I haven't blogged in moons, if you look back, I just blogged yesterday afternoon.  However, there have been SO MANY developments in the Occupy Des Moines movement since that time that it feels like a lifetime since last I made an update.  I have been trying to figure out how to blog from my snazzy, jazzy Blackberry but thus have had no luck.  God, I feel OLD right about now - complaining about the new technologies and interwebs.  

So DAS denied the permit yesterday and blamed the Governor and Attorney General.  The AG and Helmet Head's offices both pointed the fingers at each other and DAS.  In short, no one took responsibility for trying to silence the voice of the people.  Big surprise.  

So there we were, 6:00 PM and ready to return to the pokey for the cause when I find out that Mayor Cownie is prepared to offer a park on East 14th and Grand for occupation to all who wish to occupy and peacefully assemble in collaboration with the other Occupy Movements around the nation.  It was epic.  Helmet Head (Governor Branstad - have you ever really looked at that helmet of hair he has?  It hasn't changed since the '80's!) was all about stifling the voice of the masses when the Mayor of Des Moines stepped forward and offered up an olive branch to assure that the movement would not fall silent at the behest of the state government.  The Mayor made a fantastic presentation at the General Assembly with his Parks and Rec officer in tow.  Certainly the most noteworthy statement was when he announced that he would rather have his police force out catching bad guys than messing with peaceful protesters such as myself.  It seems as though Mr. Hairspray could take a lesson or two from Mayor Cownie.  Debate regarding whether to leave or stay trudged on for a solid hour if not longer.  In the end we decided to embrace the offer and declare it a victory that not all elected officials are in the back pocket of corporations.  Though I smell something familiar here, sniff ... sniff ... sniff ... what is that smell?  It is familiar like fresh chocolate chip cookies ... oh wait, that is the smell of a possible run for Governor by Cownie, challenging Helmet Head.  Time will tell on this prediction, but the smell is distinct and familiar and I LIKE IT!

Fast forward to past the point where everyone broke camp and moved all their belongings to the new site.  

Enter today.  Big march planned - IN CELEBRATION OF WORLD WIDE DAY OF ACTION - starting at the Capitol Building and leading down to Smells Fargo - located at - wait for it - I swear, I'm not making it up - - 666 Walnut Avenue.  Holy Dog, what are the odds on that address?  Seriously!  

Okay, so I filled out the parade permit for 100 and the whole time I was writing, I was thinking, "Good Dog, I hope 100 people show up or we are going to look like a bunch of ass wipes."  Much to my amazement and astonishment and absolute delight, upon arrival at 9:45 this morning, we were met by around 300+ fellow protesters who also are absolutely fed up with taking the corporate screw up that wazoo.  FANTASTIC turn out.  It was electric and exhilarating!  We marched the parade route then had a soap box for something like 45 minutes in front of Smells Fargo where patrons aired their grievances and we left a giant "Sorry we missed you note"  and a bunch of sticky notes made out by protesters.  On the Awesomeness Scale, this march and protest were a Million Monkeys worth of Awesome!  

So plans are moving forward for future marches, teach-in's, demonstrations and (most important) court date appearances.  Community Outreach is important for this new location to work and there are plans for that as well as visibility strategy.  

I was nominated to facilitate the General Assembly tomorrow, which will be a first and is, admittedly, NOT on my bucket list.  However, it is my pleasure to facilitate the meeting as it assuredly will be a learning experience.  I'll keep you posted if anyone throws hard and/or sharp objects during the meeting.  JOIN US!  Tomorrow night at 6 PM!       

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