Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pleading NOT GUILTY because, well, I'm NOT GUILTY!

It was a little more nerve racking than I thought it would be; standing in front of a judge, being charged with a crime and making a plea.  Fortunately, I was joined by two dozen of my fellow protesters during the first of several court hearings this afternoon, so it was a PACKED court room and I couldn't help by feel all warm and fuzzy on this blistery fall Iowa day.  The vast majority of us plead Not Guilty - because, well, We're NOT GUILTY!  The State of Iowa does not have the right to trump that little thing we like to call THE CONSTITUTION with a "curfew" on the State Capitol Building Grounds which prohibits protests after 11:00 PM.  It doesn't work for oppressive regimes, it shouldn't work here.  

To the outsider looking in, court was undoubtedly the boring part of this afternoon.  Far more exciting was the rally and march before our 1:00 court appearance.  First there was a press conference on the Courthouse Steps which - though I was late from dropping off the babies at Fransoly-The-Babysitter's-House - was well received, media heavy and visually entertaining.  The chain gang of peaceful protesters was my personal favorite part of the visual candy offered up for the march from the courthouse to Smells Fargo.  

Upon arrival to Smells Fargo, we were greeted by locked doors and a sign that said they were closed due to an unexpected emergency .  That emergency was US!  WOOO HOOO to all of the Occupy Iowa folks who CLOSED DOWN SMELLS FARGO TODAY!

The first picture above is my first attempt to take a photo of the sign - but some old geezer hit my hand and phone with his bag of groceries in an attempt to jack up my picture.  He and I exchanged a few terse words and I took the second picture without being accosted.  I guess he gave up the struggle once he saw there was at least 100 people willing to back me up on the assertion that Smells Fargo is indeed the Devil.  

So now Heaven is finishing up her home made brownies for the folks at the encampment before we head back in a few minutes.  The General Assembly is at 6 PM, as it is every night.  If you are reading this and have yet to join in the struggle, come, join us!  Any night - 6 PM at the park on the corner of East 14th and Grand.  JOIN US! 

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